Improve the sustainability, efficiency and quality of life in your city.

By combining our Platform, Network and Products we enable you to get a helicopter view of how the city environment works. 

Taking advantage of public wastebin sensors not only makes your city more sustainable but also improves the quality of life of residents and public appearance.

Yobiiq provides solutions based on the needs of customers, from overall complete concepts to delivery of products and services.

Multifunctional smart city solutions

We develop, produce and maintain Smart City Solutions, based on our motto 'we can do better' we always strive to improve our solutions.

All our solutions exist out of a combination from the end-node (sensor, switch, etc.), our DMS Platform and connectivity.

Some of our Smart City Solutions include:

  • Energy Monitoring of public areas (waterworks, event lighting and equipment).
  • Failure detection on public systems.
  • Monitoring of fine particles, CO2 and climate.
  • Monitor how full public waste bins are.

Define the challenges

Define the challenges you face, and what outcome you desire from your Smart City solution.

Step 1
Develop & Consult

Yobiiq develops a tailored solution, if needed followed by a Proof of Concept. 

Step 2
Final Approvement

The outcome of the development and Proof of Concept is evaluated with all Stakeholders, and the implementation starts.

Step 3

Let's start making an impact in your city.

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